According to Burmese legends, there was a monastery on top of the hill. There was only room for a hummingbird to live in that place when the sea level rose. [5] Paintings, Two hummingbirds resting in the sculptures can be found in temple ponds in Bagu City. [6] To the east, you can visit the Shwe Maudow Pagoda, the tallest pagoda in Myanmar.According to geologist Dr. Nyi Nyi, Hinthakone emerged as an island under the sea about 15 million years ago. At that time, there were seas around Bago, and it is said that there was only a place for a single hentha to rest at Hinthakone. Therefore, it is said that this is the place where the two Hintaphoma crossed the sea. Therefore, the symbol of Bago is the image of two resting elephants.U Khanti was born in 1923, In the Myanmar year (1286), U Khanti's Hin Tha Gone Pagoda was built on the hill where the Ket Lait Pagoda stump stood. U Khanti connected this pagoda with the Shwe Modha Pagoda with a large iron railing that can still be seen. Due to the Second World War, the slopes of Hinthakon Pagoda were damaged. The roofs, which were torn off by the gunfire of Japanese warplanes, were not replaced until 1351 AD.Hinthas are most commonly found in the Irrawaddy and Chindin rivers in northern and central Myanmar. Hintha can also be seen in the large rivers in the southern part of Myanmar and Rakhine state. Sometimes in local lakes and lime ponds, either couples or You can often see children. October Or when couples come to May City Lake in early November. Or parents visit regularly. It might be a guest bird that came to Myanmar.